You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann



Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

Fly fly! See my tail stuck to a rock! Today's the last of my langkawi trip. Didn't go explore to many places but we did went up the cable car though. One helluva scary ride. Don't worry guys, something for everyone from me ;)


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

After some 400km plus journey from kl to kuala perlis and a brief rain that left 6 of us slightly soaked, we are finally in the boat at 7.30am morning of 2nd of Nov heading towards Langkawi, the island of fables and legends. This is going to be a most fun trip!


Ok, had enough of rushing already for the month. So many projects and to do's and so little time. Of course, it doesn't really help either when I have so many more other distractions.

Some rants:

Motorola (E398 & C380)
Sound - Can't stop the media player. Had to release the player and create a new one in order to play again
Graphics - Sharper than Nokia's because of active panel LCD. Can't get fullscreen on C380...only get 128x116 O_o
Connectivity - E398 only support PUSH object. That also it didn't generate a jad to accomodate my icon. C380's even worse, had to OTA download everytime you wanna test it.
Speed - E398's pretty good, C380's slightly better than N40's
Memory - E398 definitely has enough memory. C380's slightly more accomodateable than N40's

Sony Ericsson (T610 & K700)
Sound - Both plays midi - cool. I had to cheat in T610 to get it to stop/pause/sync correctly using MMAPI although in the end, I used the system time to sync for everyone. K700's fine.
Graphics - T610 has very smoky graphics. Colours were blander than the K700
Connectivity - Both has bluetooth. Cool~! I can even make them output my error messages to my comp. Double Cool~!
Speed - T610 = turtle among turtles. Even more turtle than N40's (like 6100)
Memory - Both features adequate memory but T610 has a problem of how fast it is accessing them O_o

Samsung (E600, E630, E810)
Sound - MMF sounds really good on all the machines. Though in a Java app, they have a limitation of only 10K (lower end phones)
Graphics - The E810 has the best graphics among them. E600 suffers from dull screen (I suspect is the dust cover..) and the E630 has grainy pictures.
Connectivity - Ewww, and that's to say the least. Cannot upload from computer even though they have IR connection. There is a way for the E600 but I deem it too 'hacky'.
Speed - They're alright I guess. Haven't really strain them to their capacity.
Memory - Ample and doesn't seem to have much problem releasing and acquiring

Nokia (3650, N-Gage, 6600) - The Problematic Trio
Sound - They can all play midi that's for sure. The player to play them all CORRECTLY, now there's a challenge. Had to go back to the drawing board couple of times to get this right esp for a timing critical app like my Mobile Karaoke.
Graphics - Non active display panel = teh suXors. 3650's keypad layout = mind boggling. N-Gage's OS is kinda outdated and only has 3 colours for its menu (wtf?)
Connectivity - All of em has bluetooth. Good thing too coz I don't want to spend too much time on these oudated machines
Speed - Gah, the threads sometimes unsync themselves while loading. Speed is there, just barely controllable.
Memory - Lots of it. That's the good part. Leaking. That's the bad part o_O

Next week is another challenging week for me... Call an ambulance if you don't see me posting anything within 5 days.


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

Found this little gem parked not 10 meters away from my car. While I do like cars, I hate it depreciating the day I buy it. Not a very prudent investment plan and not a very convenient way to show off that one has a lot of money either.

There few weeks had been tough on me. Particularly about work. Took me a lot of sleepness nights and a lot of thinking and calculating to get that midi reader to do what I want it to do, and a few more sleepness to get the gui right for my mobile karaoke to look the way I want it to look too. I've been doing core programming for sometime now so my gui design skills are a bit rusty. Thank goodness it all turned out well. Now if I can just cross that minor hurdle that is the dreaded T610 and its inability to sync sound and timing together.


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

Something to amaze my uninitiated friend lol


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A lady in traditional costume travelling in the countryside.

Two parts:
The foreground
Lady potraying the "virgin" look by the way she cocked her head, the way she lifts up her dress a bit to prevent it from being dirtied, the way she held her cloak, the way she ties her hair, and the slightest hint of lip colouring that contrasted with her fair skin. Clad in non descript brown and purple, she looks like the flower of a village on the way back to her home.

The background
The lady is in a by the coutry beside a river or a waterfall within a thick conifer forest in a valley. Time is actually about 2-3pm (check her shadows) but colour of the picture is toned towards that of dusk time to match her costume.

Picture balance
Lady slight off to right side of the picture. Emphasizes where she is looking at the moment while giving ample room to show off the background. Background goes on to about 7 layers. Lady on the steep side of the rock gives the viewer the feeling of the lady is only stopping for a while before moving forward towards wherever she was looking at. You are almost expected to hear water gushing sounds and feel some water droplets spraying on your cheeks as you watch her. You will also think that she will look this way anytime now when she feels your presence.


I still remembered back in 2004 when this show was first shown in Malaysia in Astro. I came back one day and saw my mom watching this peculiar show and she said that it was new and very interesting. I dismissed it as just a regular Korean drama that was filled with tears and some very contemporary and unconventional story. Boy was I ever so wrong!

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This is a story mainly about a girl in medieval Korea that tried very hard to achieve what she wanted and strived to become the first female emperor's doctor. In the time when the world considers women as the weaker sex and all the females in the palace belongs to the emperor, this is an epic tale of girl trying to clear her mom's reputation, weaving around the conspiracy and deceit within the palace, friendship and untainted true love.

The acting in this drama was superb to say the least. The characters development are really deep and you really feel the deep resentment and regret when Lady Choe turned from being a young and naive internal worker to a murderer later. Also for Geum-Ying where you could not help but to think she is one of the good guys in the beginning. Throughout the show, you can't help but develop feelings for the characters. The deep hate and anger that Jang Geum feels when she was betrayed by her friends, the untainted and traditional love (although not too plausible) of Jang Geum and the male lead, the simple joys of being in a family with Jang Geum's adopted father and mother and the feeling of being rewarded when all of Jang Geum's hard work and determination paid off.

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The show was a whole phenomenon that sweep across Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Canada, Chicago and Japan. In Hong Kong, it was the best performing foreign show with 40% ratings. It even had a "special edition" where they will showcase the many places, cultures and food/herbs in Korea that is presented in the show that might not be general knowledge to people outside of Korea.

Of course, the fans loved the female actress, Lee Young Ae, who is actually a veteran in the drama series first appearing on TV on 1993 and then regularly by 1995 in dramas as well as movies. She has the girl-next-door look and I would say that she is very very attractive even though she is already in her 30's. Strange enough, I share the same birthday as her, although 9 years removed apart. I also share the same blood type :P OK, I am getting creepy here. Currently this show has more impact to me than say, Star Trek:Voyager, my previous feel-good-inside fuel.

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The most anticipated video of the year among hardcore gamers is out! FF VII (the game) came out in the year 1997 for Sony's Playstation™ and it surged up the charts to become one of the most memorable and beloved RPG game ever produced by Square Enix (Squaresoft back then).

You can get the movie either in the form of UMD (optical discs playable in Sony's PSP™) or DVD. Which one did I view? None. The only version that is out is the Japan only version. Being a typical Malaysian, I couldn't wait for the North American release and went to download a fan-subbed version found on the net. Alright, I 'fess up, I am a cheapo. Now on to the review!

The story takes place 2 years after Cloud and his friends defeated Sephiroth in a final battle that saw the planet's hidden energies, called Lifestream, stopped an earth-shattering meteorite summoned from space in the game. Everybody was supposed to live happiy ever after. Or so they all say.

Humans living on the now shattered planet began their long aching journey of recuperation. Cities were rebuilt, although they have left their old capital Midgar alone. But people were overcome with sadness. The Geostigma Symndrome. Even Cloud is affected by it, generating pain whenever he does battle using his inhuman speed, prowess and strength (to wield that freaking huge sword of his).

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Hoorah to CG and big boobs! Tifa Lockhart on the phone

Tifa (friend of Cloud's, secret admirer) and the rest of the troop were leading separate lives and it was at the height of the spread of the myterious epidemic that 3 mysterious figures showed up. Kadaj, their leader, was going around intimidating people while looking for his 'Mother'. Of course, the 'Mother' that he was looking for was somehow related to the origins of Sephiroth and Cloud's existence. Project JENOVA. An inevitable clash is about to happen.

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More sword than you can shake your stick at

Interestingly, Square Enix decides that this show is made in such a way that if you did not play the game (or at least hear your friends talking about it), it will be hard for a viewer to understand. There are some flashbacks and story telling involved but given the nature of confusing Japanese thinking, it only served to confuse the not-so-initiated viewer. There's very little talking in the first place to begin with.

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...and one large Super Supreme. Make it pronto!

For the hardcore gamers however, this is THE show that you must watch this year. It will bring back memories of that fondly game we played back in 1997 during our younger years. Apart from the mind blowing CG, the viewer will be on the edge of his seat trying to consume the information presented (while trying hard to recall the 8 year old game) and be awed by the immensely complicated and seemingly unreal(but well choreographed) battles using swords, guns and *drools* big-ass cybercycles.

Watch this if you played the game. Watch this if you didn't play the game but you loved Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (FF:TSW). Watch this if you don't understand FF:TSW but you loved Aki Ross and the CG.

*There will be a surprise near the end as Square Enix rediscovers its roots at the art of making really scary and powerful villians that send chills down your spines.

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Estuan Interius Iras Ne Vehementi!


What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is frighteningly high
You are a word nerd
Your strength is you never need to sleep
Your weakness is alcohol
You think normal people are stupid
Normal people think that you are disturbed
This quiz by owlsamantha - Taken 259015 Times.

Ok this pretty much describes me...


Alright, I have moved on to the less mainstream programs now.

First: Trillian
A messenger grouper of sorts. Logs on to my ICQ, Yahoo! and MSN all at the same time and merge all of my contacts together. Pretty nifty but you will have to forgo their emoticons, IMvironments and whatevernots that are only specific to that IM only...get it here @ Cerulean Studios

Pros: Reduces memory usage
Cons: No more IM specific stuffs...and where's Skype?

Second: Mozilla Firefox
I would say Tabbed browsing is wayyyy better than windowed browsing. I tried using Maxthon Browser (an IE skinner) and I quite like it. Still, it has all the IE funny bugs and security loopholes so I decided to switch to Mozilla's Firefox. It doesn't have as much features as the Maxthon browser but it is ok I guess and I can't get the set default browser going on nicely for Firefox....ugh. Get it @ Mozilla

Pros: No more loopholes and bugs
Cons: Webpage/browser compatibility, not as much feature as my previous IE skinner, freaking set default browser function not working like I wanted to...

Peace out...


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

Happy Birthday Shum! We had a GREAT time in Neway, Cheras. The buffet was good and the room is comfy. The sound system wasn't as friendly as other places but the customer service is impeccable. I guess that's their selling point cause it is slightly more expensive than other places. Attendees: Shum, Kenny, Yoke Han, Spencer, May and me. Missing is of course Szu King and Joshua. We really sang our hearts out and we even did Sexbomb! Next celebration we do something as fun (or more!) again!


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

Thank you god for putting this wonderful and scrumptious meal on my table. Thank you for those hot golden fries, for that bubbly gassy cup of cold soft drink, the deliriously delicious sundae and the nourishing and tasty burger. I also thank you that my budget allows binges like this and that I can still have some extra entertainment and lead a normal yet happy life even after purchases of food like this. Thank you too that my body is still whole and that I still have the necessary limbs for me to queue up and pick up this more than adequately sized and nutritious food for consumption. I thank Thee as well for letting me eat my food in peace without and annoyance from people or things that are undeniably but forgivably irritating. Lastly I thank you for this phone here that I am blogging from that it is still functioning optimally and did not create any problems that might disrupt this small prayer for this wonderful meal or the whole duration while the food is consumed.


I would say this past few weeks have seen me facing lots of ups and opposed to the current oil price which we only saw it moving one way: up.

More importantly, my mood has been swinging downwards as of late. Alas, there will be a couple of factors that lead me to my present state of mood.

First off, I faced another humiliating rejection again from the opposite sex. This time, it's because I haven't done enough homework. She is already taken. Sad thing was, my feelings for her was just only developing (early stages) and even though I don't really mind challenging another fellow male for a female of the species, I don't have the heart for it. I'm at the stage where I don't really feel like mood is that bad.

Secondly, I'm a slacker. I'll admit it here and now. I'm a slacker....there. It is out of the bag. I know I am one. I won't deny it. What can I do about it? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. It is like the laziness is grafted unto me. Putting off things that are important. Lazying around on my bed. Skipping personal deadlines (own deadlines....not working is work). That doesn't really help on my mood either.

Also, seeing my friends happily coupled (on the surface, at least), seeing them getting what they want in life, my jealousy burns. Yes, my eyes are green with envy. So? I admit that I am quite loser-rific. I am also somebody who thinks he is so damn smart that he can skip the basics and jump straight to the juicy parts. Thing is, the world doesn't really work this way and whoever scrimped the basics will not be advancing any faster.

Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth....I think I have ALL of the 7 deadly sins. And it doesn't help that the first letters of each sin forms the word P-L-A-G-G-E-S....whatever that means. Oh, and lack of sleep doesn't help either.

Luckily, on this day, my mood became better again. Thanks to my fellow colleagues and my good friend Shum, who is btw, much stronger emotionally than me and has way many more friends who appreciates him as much as he appreciates them. Kudos to you Shum! Also to my colleagues, who made my days here in this office a bit more enjoyable and a bit more fun.

Ending to a self-humiliating entry with something totally unrelated:

Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi, one of the most influential figures in modern social and political activism, considered these traits to be the most spiritually perilous to humanity:

Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

My next door cubicle neighbour. Cute as a button at times, she is our localization person (currently) for our products. Been here for 3 weeks and everything is going according to plan. That is, if I HAVE a plan in the first place. Office culture is to stay till late nights and then have dinner with cute chicks. Not that I stayed back THAT late, I've got a loseriffic to run. Party on people.


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

An angry tigeress closely guarding her fluffy ikea pillow. Man I love ikea. I can spend hours just looking at the furnitures! I'll vow to buy something from this place next time when I get my own place. Preferably a nice semi D with my beautiful wife and 3 kids running around in the yard with a nice swimming pool and a nice garden with equally nice neighbours whom are my close friends. A guy can dream...plan ahead, can't he?


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

One happy and pretty masters holder and one happy and cute friend doing the infamous We're-up-to-something smiles. Had a very great time with them. Wished we've got the time to tour melaka more and taste the local food ;) F and FK, when we gonna go for karaoke?


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

First birthday celebrated in the new office! And a special girl too(Girl in middle, she responds to sign languages)! Had moss chocolate cake at coffee ritual. Nice cake, ok food, sub par service though. Great to be around my super hardworking colleagues!


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

7.20am Out of the house. 7.25am the summit junction prelim jam. 7.45am summit junction jam. 7.55am jam after summit junction to ldp. 1/2 hour for a 2km stretch. What, there's gold there? Starting to talk to myself and giving instructions to inanimate objects like "Go faster!" and "Move away!" and assorted @%!#$?!'s during the jam. Might be some disorder or something. Stuckinthecaraloneforhoursinrushhour complex.


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

Second day in my new office! And I got a brand spanking new p4 2.8 512mb computer. Ok maybe not THAT new but still.... Anyway my welcoming committee (one) was really great and she was very helpful (thanks elva!). Might upload her pic later. Got to position myself nicely amongst my colleagues. Found out 2 of them played magic! Haven't really got real work yet but I vowed to make this workplace as studio-reffic as possible. Have to meet up with josh soon. And get my talk for agds done. And go gym. And...(bla bla bla)


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

I did it! Actually I only took the picture ;p Two of my good buddies posing for me fully clothed in bed in someone's house warning cum birthday party.


Originally uploaded by ycjoo.

New haircut = RM 28. New RS DV MMC 256MB = RM 170. This new found freedom of time is definitely eating up my limited money in reserve. I can forget about the phone line and streamyx. Hopefully I get paid real soon. Then I can have a bit more space to breathe. Should I go places when I still got the time and forget about my reserves?


No, I'm not talking about armageddon here...more like today is my last day in this office here in MMU, Cyberjaya.

I'm feeling mixed emotions. Both sad and happy. Sad because I am leaving a company which I helped to build since its conception. Sad because I am leaving a bunch of great people that I had worked with for the last year or so. Sad because I did not get to execute the plan that I have for myself in this company. On the other hand, I'm happy because I get to have a change of environment. I'm happy because I'm leaving some people behind that I want nothing to do with. I'm happy because I'll still be in the industry and there will still be time for me to do whatever that I planned to do :)

Goodbye TA!


originally uploaded by ycjoo.
Man, what is this car doing here in a university? Had to forgo taking more pics of this Toyota AE 86 cause I'm going to lunch with 2 pretty lasses. This car's popularity soared after the release of the manga and anime Initial D and the now currently showing of the movie of the same name in local cinemas. This car is OLD though. Early 80's and has stopped production long time ago.


originally uploaded by ycjoo.
Test blog from my office desk


In this day of enlightenment, barbaric brutes still do not understand that acts of terrorism and of killing innoncent people has nothing do to with doing good and rectifying past sins and definitely NOT considered as religiously, spiritually or morally justified.

I personally wish that everyone involved in those acts of terrorism should/would be burnt in hell. They are going straight to hell! No redemption. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Just go to hell and stay there. For eternity.

I suppose that religion has its captivation but please people, do NOT go into extremities. Extremities are bad in EVERY aspect. Even doing good. Please do not follow your leader (whoever he is) who is clearly bent on manipulating everyone to settle his anger and resentment to certain people and chose not to get his hands dirty and chose the easy way out of doing acts of violence against the other parties' people who are innocent and has nothing to do with him.

History is repeating itself. Great influential speakers who clearly demonstrates violent thoughts and intentions getting his hands to manipulate the very people that put him where he is in the first place. Previous excuses, such as patriotism, fear of the unknown or even promises of paradise in the after world, have all been used before. Pause for a moment and think for yourself. As an individual, who are bound to the community, who are bound to the human race, who are bound to the one small planet called Earth that we couldn't leave, that have limited resources, that have limited space, that have limited existence, who are bound to the universe and who are bound to personally beliefs. You are part of a huge interlinked chain. Please function as one. See the big picture. Be enlightened. Ask and you shall be given.

Condolences to the everyone, even to those who have committed this act and to those who have perpetrated it.

A motto that I haven't been appreciating for a long time: Be yet wiser.


Alright, fuel prices in US is pretty high right now with prices hitting up to USD $60 the other day. Some guy predicted it's gonna go USD $100 per barrel by winter. Shucks. Where is the cheap, environmental friendly and reusable energy source? No joke here as the oil crisis involves almost everyone in the world. No oil = no economy. Start saving the environment ppl! Reduce, reuse and recycle!

Btw, my old wira 1.5 manual can go like 380KM per full tank. Now my 1 year old Isawara 1.3 can go nearly 600KM!

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Still a bit of fuel left at 593.8KM


I've confirmed on a games programmer position in Phileo Damansara I. They pay is ok and the job is pretty much the same. I must admit that the reason I chose this company was because their pay was higher than others. But they work alternate Saturdays...ah gives em a reason to work harder...My saturdays are usually spent sleeping in anyway.

Another reason was because this job facilitates my long term goal. IE: Going indie and setup my own company. I know it is a long shot and a far and away goal but currently, this would be what I want to do. The time spent there will be to make games and also doing my own R&D. IGDA will be my main source of contacts and networking with the rest of the industry. Sounds like a plan!


Went to two interviews last week. One was recommended by a head hunter agency and another from my posting @ jobstreet.

First one was quite a disaster....but was averted because 2 other friends of mine were there as well. They were looking for entirely different people with equally different experiences and skills. Oh least the people at the head hunter agency are great. Those big jugs was definitely the highlight ^_^ (Shum stop staring at them!)

Second one was offered a 20% increase of what I am getting now with a assurance that the company gives evaluation/increament and bonus every 6 months. That's like wow....And they are willing to pay for my parking too! The company that I am still in now doesn't even pay for parking @_@ This company is doing games as well and they are supposedly the biggest games provider here in Malaysia. Just keeping low profile. However, they are more keen in making short, cute and simple games in numbers rather than profound, cutting edge and longer projects, which is completely the reverse of what I am currently doing. And I have to work on Saturdays! Gotta think about that as well....

There will be another interview this Wednesday....Netherlands based company (so called...)..*fingers crossed*

Went to DiGi's MTV party on Saturday with Michelle, Kogul and Yen Fuen...It was kinda fun! I get to play those outdoor blown up cushion games...something like:

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I couldn't climb that freaking wall at the back...must be either my size or it is just not made for overweight adults who pretend to be like kids :P The girls managed to climb over though

There were live bands and DJs performing (DiGi rented like 2 stages with huge monitors!) and most of all...VJ Denise is there! Cool looking babe that hosts the current MTV Most Wanted with VJ Utt....she is one sporting girl :) Manage to take a picture with her on my friend's camera....

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Okay you guys have to trust me on this one....the one on the left is me and the one on the right is VJ Denise Keller...long story....don't ask @_@

Also, was there as well and they were showcasing some of the cars that will be appearing in the movie Initial D....86, FC, FD, Evos, R34....really cool stuffs

Props to Michelle for getting us in!


I have given my 1 month notice of my resignation as of today 13th June 2005.

I will be looking for greener pastures elsewhere....Will be trying my luck in Singapore too.

A great big burden has been lifted off my shoulders, only to be replaced by an equally size one that is looking for another job.

I can sustain minimal life support for about 2 months...after that...who knows? High time for me to go on diet :P


"The questions I ask IF you are going to be paid lower than average would be:
a) Does the company have a viable strategy to be successful?
b) Do you trust your managers in the company
c) Do you believe in the company.

If you can't answer or don't know any of these questions..either find out or start looking for another job." - quote Terence

I got this from Terence and I find myself answering no to all the above questions. Time to pack my bags and ready to go!

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Bosses are like hate em and you can't do anything about them....
Bosses who think they are superior are like smokers who blow in your swipe the smoke away, tell them nicely and be ignored....
Bosses who are really useless but STILL think they are superior are like smokers who smoke one big pack a day and say I don't feel back off!

Worked like a dog, staying back in office late, working in weekends....all that just to deliver the product with whatever quality of team that I have. I'll do it, as a favour/responsibility/duty/whatever. Hoping that she will reciprocately and justly reward me. What do you think I get?

Hmm....miniscule increase of problem, I'm still young, no Producer™ credit for you...fine....if you think somebody else did a better job, okkkk....but changing the credits for the product behind my back....asking the New Guy™ to change it and NOT informing me about....that's the last straw!
I do all the work and you get all the credit...that's reality and I'm ready to face it. Are you ready to face that I'm leaving the job? Muahahhahahaa

Looking for new job ACTIVELY....any job that does J2ME is good....any job that does games is good.

There is light at the end of the tunnel....


Nooo....not those drinkable ones (and NO...not THOSE juices for you perverted ones...)...I was referring to the CREATIVE juices (oooohhhhh!)

Impromptu chat with two girls came out with impromptu responses and comments that not only entertained them but it also shocked me by how much rubbish is going on in my brains...

Chat 1 (response to the girl's custom message of "Argghhh! The PC restarted by Itself!")
ME: actually it might be gnomes in your machine that accidentally tripped on the power box wires
ME: while running around carrying instructions from the keyboard and mouse to the CPU (known as the BrainGnome™)
Girl1: wow...
Girl1: that's really an interesting observationt ehre..
Girl1: i never knew about that..
Girl1: or brain gnomes
Girl1: /:)
ME: that's something that IT guys keep it to themselves to hide the fact that magical creatures and beings really do exists :D
ME: that's why you see most nerd D&D guys are into computers as well :P
Girl1: ooohhh
Girl1: true true..
Girl1: now where can I get a fact sheet on that??
ME: not too sure but don't open your casing! you might scare the gnomes....their eyes are very sensitive to light you know...that's why your comp doesn't work that well when you have opened the casing....also the reason why any problems won't surface for you to see when you open the casing to check for problems :P
ME: such as when it fails at your house and when you bring it to the repair man, it runs ok and he asks quizzically "Where's the problem?"
ME: in reality the guy is laughing his head of with the gnomes =))
Girl1: wow...
Girl1: i never knew all this
Girl1: hahahhha..
Girl1: it's all a conspiracy!
Girl1: the repair man will check and charge an unreasoable amount in fees for checking
Girl1: and will buy the gnomes drinks at the bar later for the hefty sum he colected from coming over ot check
ME: I'm so saving this conversation :P

Chat 2 (very good friend of mine)
Girl2: difficult to concerntrate at work today ... so kacau u .. hope u dun mind ... flu here
ME: i face that everyday 8-}
ME: nvm i'm here to help :D
ME: go see a doctor after this dear
Girl2: i may ... hope the doctor can giv me MC 2molo >:)
ME: hahahahah
ME: u wink wink at the doctor, show a bit flesh then can lor :P:P
Girl2: i better curi the MC better
ME: lol
ME: small sacrifice onni :P
ME: next time u need favour from me you can try that everytime :))
ME: the amout of flesh shown is proportional to the speed of the favour gets done =)
Girl2: =))
Girl2: ok .. i wil remember tat

Now you might be wondering what in the world am I doing in office really....well...stop wondering!


A little genius joke
There's a dropout named Bobby and a super genius named Greg sitting on a bench waiting on a bus. The genius gets bored, leans over to the dropout and says, "Hey, I'll tell you what, I'll ask you a question and if you don't know the answer you have to give me five bucks. If you ask me a question and I don't know the answer I have to give you 50 bucks."

The dropout says, "Alright, man."

The genius asks the dropout, "What is the Pythagorian Theory?"

The dropout replies, "I don't know." and hands the genius five bucks.

"Okay," the dropout says, "What has three legs going up a hill and four legs going down?"

The genius thinks real hard and finally gives up. He hands the dropout 50 bucks then asks, "So, what is the answer?"

The dropout says, "I don't know." and hands the genius five bucks.

Come this weekend, I'll be shifting over to USJ with Szu King. A rather risky move as monthly living costs will definitely soar but I have my own reasons. Might be a decision that will decide whether I'll be a loser for another 20 years or for another 2-3 years....


Forgive me God for I have sinned,
Understand my plight, my suffering and sorrow
Cast me a rope for I see no morrow,
Kill my ambition, of greed and hate,
Make me holy, pure and great,
Yank my soul, give it a tug!
And under my feet, do pull the rug!
Shake some sense unto me!
Shine a light so I can see!

Forgive me God for I have sinned,
Ever your instrument, I want to be,
Ever your humble servant, I swore to thee,
Love me and show me the way,
Make my worries go away,
Your omni-presence guides my instincts,
Blessings from thee, controls my feelings,
Raged with anger and lust I had,
Eaten and consumed by jealousy I add,
Asks for help, I had come to thee
Save me from evil that I had come to be
Take away these unholy thoughts,
Show me the way, that you have taught.

- Confessions of a lustful sinner -=Female=- by JFreak


Love mp3s? Love iPod? Love a good joke? Take a look at this:

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Really funny ad....then again I don't even know what is model of the product they are supposed to be advertising....oh well @_@


Sent off Spencer with Joshua and May to KLIA that day...Had to wake up at 7:00 am on a Sunday -_- Somemore slept only a bit after yesterday's bout with Star Wars 3.

Josh drove the first round. Gila fella, going at 150kmh with a car of 4 ppl. Not that I mind but the car is in need of a good service and not really capable of running that fast. He is a good driver though so I didn't mention anything :P

Reached there bout 40 mins later and we adjourned to breakfast at McDonald's™. Had a hearty breakfast courtesy of Spencer (thank you Spencer!) and took some photos.

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This one was taken when I was sitting down in front of McDonald's™

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Another angle

Then we had to send our cute friend off...He'll be gone for bout 5-6 days but I think May will miss him a lot :P

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The loving couple

Also bought a pack of Famous Amos™ Cookies for my bro because I ate his chocolate bars that was sent to him from his gf in UK (bad me...). More than made up for it cause those cookies costs me RM 34.90 @_@

Ahhh...once more thing, the cartoon Josh wanted a picture taken so....

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Weng Yean's Wedding Dinner
Attended Weng Yean's wedding dinner today @ 7:30pm. Great food, nice company, old friends, happy occasion.

Food includes burnt piglet (mmMmMMmmmMm)! Rarely have one of those, it was a delight! (although I have to watch the oil and fat...)

Our TA ppl hath ditched us. Only Shum, Chin Min and I attended. Man, what are the rest doing? Weng Yean booked a whole table for us and only 3 of us turned up @_@ We had to disband...DISBAND I tell you....our table and joined the PGS group (Phoenix Games Studio) who had 5 ppl on their table. Ahhh least they are a good company.

Also met up with some old friends from MMU namely from the FCM faculty. Met Xu Jenn, his gf, Emily and a few more. It was great seeing them again...Vowed to look for them to chat as well...I think I've been making a lot of these promises and I think I better start honoring them :D

Didn't bring my camera there, shucks...Left it back at home because I serviced my car yesterday and didn't put it back in....oh well....Will try to get the group photo from Xu Jenn or John

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
Then @ 11pm, we adjourned to watch Star Wars III at Summit (THX!!! woohoo!) Shum got the tickets a week earlier for us...props to him! Attendees: Shum, Szu King, Joshua, my youngest bro and me. Missing: Spencer (come back to us dude...!), Leon and many others. Oh well, at least the gang is pretty much there...just that everyone's kinda lazy and have a life of their own.

My views on Star Wars III is better then I and II but still a farcry from New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The effects of course were spectacular! Massive wars with very real looking backdrops and scenery. The transition of technology from Republic ships to things we see in the later episodes (Star Destroyers, TIE ships, AT-AT walkers, even x-wing!) is superbly done. I think I like that aspect the most.

The story however, was a bit not to my liking (of course, my liking is my own only...). I will keep it spoiler free so you will have to watch the movie to get what I mean.

Oh and the sound system was great. Our seats are practically vibrating during a close up scene of a star destroyer in the beginning. The mood was fantastic and nearing the climax (near the end of the show), Josh and Szu King were seen sitting up and concentrating on the screen (or is it just because they have sat too long and their butt hurts? Mine certainly did...Summit better upgrade their seats :P)

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May the Force be with you....


Had a blast on last Saturday (14th May 2005) playing bowling with my colleagues.

The bowling event was organised by TMNet for its customers (we ordered a broadband connection from them just a week before) apparently to strengthen customer relations and also to promote their latest logo.

3 games each with 4 of us, we barely made less than 100 points each game on average (total points: 1095). Our CEO might want to organise a fortnight bowling sessions for our company...hmmmm

Most of us were THROWING rather than BOWLING btw :P

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Today, 18th of May, 2005, my lil own blog was bornth...along with its conception, is an unending task to destroy my own privacy and intruding on others'.

Ok, so this really ain't early to join the bandwagon of bloggin but hey, we got to start somewhere...