You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann


I would say this past few weeks have seen me facing lots of ups and opposed to the current oil price which we only saw it moving one way: up.

More importantly, my mood has been swinging downwards as of late. Alas, there will be a couple of factors that lead me to my present state of mood.

First off, I faced another humiliating rejection again from the opposite sex. This time, it's because I haven't done enough homework. She is already taken. Sad thing was, my feelings for her was just only developing (early stages) and even though I don't really mind challenging another fellow male for a female of the species, I don't have the heart for it. I'm at the stage where I don't really feel like mood is that bad.

Secondly, I'm a slacker. I'll admit it here and now. I'm a slacker....there. It is out of the bag. I know I am one. I won't deny it. What can I do about it? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. It is like the laziness is grafted unto me. Putting off things that are important. Lazying around on my bed. Skipping personal deadlines (own deadlines....not working is work). That doesn't really help on my mood either.

Also, seeing my friends happily coupled (on the surface, at least), seeing them getting what they want in life, my jealousy burns. Yes, my eyes are green with envy. So? I admit that I am quite loser-rific. I am also somebody who thinks he is so damn smart that he can skip the basics and jump straight to the juicy parts. Thing is, the world doesn't really work this way and whoever scrimped the basics will not be advancing any faster.

Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth....I think I have ALL of the 7 deadly sins. And it doesn't help that the first letters of each sin forms the word P-L-A-G-G-E-S....whatever that means. Oh, and lack of sleep doesn't help either.

Luckily, on this day, my mood became better again. Thanks to my fellow colleagues and my good friend Shum, who is btw, much stronger emotionally than me and has way many more friends who appreciates him as much as he appreciates them. Kudos to you Shum! Also to my colleagues, who made my days here in this office a bit more enjoyable and a bit more fun.

Ending to a self-humiliating entry with something totally unrelated:

Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi, one of the most influential figures in modern social and political activism, considered these traits to be the most spiritually perilous to humanity:

Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice


Hello Joo!

Thanks to you I also made my website here. Quite nice too.

I will skip all those "awww..." and say this...

I think you are very wrong...

Anonymous said... 6:07 pm  

Patience is virtue. There're tons of oysters in the deep blue sea.

Who knows, maybe you will find one with a large pearl in it. ;)

Anonymous said... 3:52 pm  

I was mentioned!! woohoo! Another one for the attention TIKI SLACKER!

Anonymous said... 3:16 pm  

Hey Joo,
1. Sorry fer my question the other day!!! I din know!!!

2. But I'd say, don't worry, as Oysterman mentioned, you'll find your 'FISH' sooner or later...

3. Also, I'd say you're a really great fun-loving and farnee guy, good to be around with. If I knew you earlier, you'll be on my list of eligible guys :o) Hehehe :o)

Thanks Hannie...*touched*
I'm aye ok pain no gain ;)