In this day of enlightenment, barbaric brutes still do not understand that acts of terrorism and of killing innoncent people has nothing do to with doing good and rectifying past sins and definitely NOT considered as religiously, spiritually or morally justified.
I personally wish that everyone involved in those acts of terrorism should/would be burnt in hell. They are going straight to hell! No redemption. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Just go to hell and stay there. For eternity.
I suppose that religion has its captivation but please people, do NOT go into extremities. Extremities are bad in EVERY aspect. Even doing good. Please do not follow your leader (whoever he is) who is clearly bent on manipulating everyone to settle his anger and resentment to certain people and chose not to get his hands dirty and chose the easy way out of doing acts of violence against the other parties' people who are innocent and has nothing to do with him.
History is repeating itself. Great influential speakers who clearly demonstrates violent thoughts and intentions getting his hands to manipulate the very people that put him where he is in the first place. Previous excuses, such as patriotism, fear of the unknown or even promises of paradise in the after world, have all been used before. Pause for a moment and think for yourself. As an individual, who are bound to the community, who are bound to the human race, who are bound to the one small planet called Earth that we couldn't leave, that have limited resources, that have limited space, that have limited existence, who are bound to the universe and who are bound to personally beliefs. You are part of a huge interlinked chain. Please function as one. See the big picture. Be enlightened. Ask and you shall be given.
Condolences to the everyone, even to those who have committed this act and to those who have perpetrated it.
A motto that I haven't been appreciating for a long time: Be yet wiser.
Posted by
Odin Cards
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