You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann


Weng Yean's Wedding Dinner
Attended Weng Yean's wedding dinner today @ 7:30pm. Great food, nice company, old friends, happy occasion.

Food includes burnt piglet (mmMmMMmmmMm)! Rarely have one of those, it was a delight! (although I have to watch the oil and fat...)

Our TA ppl hath ditched us. Only Shum, Chin Min and I attended. Man, what are the rest doing? Weng Yean booked a whole table for us and only 3 of us turned up @_@ We had to disband...DISBAND I tell you....our table and joined the PGS group (Phoenix Games Studio) who had 5 ppl on their table. Ahhh least they are a good company.

Also met up with some old friends from MMU namely from the FCM faculty. Met Xu Jenn, his gf, Emily and a few more. It was great seeing them again...Vowed to look for them to chat as well...I think I've been making a lot of these promises and I think I better start honoring them :D

Didn't bring my camera there, shucks...Left it back at home because I serviced my car yesterday and didn't put it back in....oh well....Will try to get the group photo from Xu Jenn or John

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
Then @ 11pm, we adjourned to watch Star Wars III at Summit (THX!!! woohoo!) Shum got the tickets a week earlier for us...props to him! Attendees: Shum, Szu King, Joshua, my youngest bro and me. Missing: Spencer (come back to us dude...!), Leon and many others. Oh well, at least the gang is pretty much there...just that everyone's kinda lazy and have a life of their own.

My views on Star Wars III is better then I and II but still a farcry from New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The effects of course were spectacular! Massive wars with very real looking backdrops and scenery. The transition of technology from Republic ships to things we see in the later episodes (Star Destroyers, TIE ships, AT-AT walkers, even x-wing!) is superbly done. I think I like that aspect the most.

The story however, was a bit not to my liking (of course, my liking is my own only...). I will keep it spoiler free so you will have to watch the movie to get what I mean.

Oh and the sound system was great. Our seats are practically vibrating during a close up scene of a star destroyer in the beginning. The mood was fantastic and nearing the climax (near the end of the show), Josh and Szu King were seen sitting up and concentrating on the screen (or is it just because they have sat too long and their butt hurts? Mine certainly did...Summit better upgrade their seats :P)

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May the Force be with you....