You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann


Alright, I have moved on to the less mainstream programs now.

First: Trillian
A messenger grouper of sorts. Logs on to my ICQ, Yahoo! and MSN all at the same time and merge all of my contacts together. Pretty nifty but you will have to forgo their emoticons, IMvironments and whatevernots that are only specific to that IM only...get it here @ Cerulean Studios

Pros: Reduces memory usage
Cons: No more IM specific stuffs...and where's Skype?

Second: Mozilla Firefox
I would say Tabbed browsing is wayyyy better than windowed browsing. I tried using Maxthon Browser (an IE skinner) and I quite like it. Still, it has all the IE funny bugs and security loopholes so I decided to switch to Mozilla's Firefox. It doesn't have as much features as the Maxthon browser but it is ok I guess and I can't get the set default browser going on nicely for Firefox....ugh. Get it @ Mozilla

Pros: No more loopholes and bugs
Cons: Webpage/browser compatibility, not as much feature as my previous IE skinner, freaking set default browser function not working like I wanted to...

Peace out...


as I know, trillian got another disadvantage: when u add contact at trillian, i wont appear at the IM, u need to add the contact again using the IM program, but I also using trillian lah :P

Anonymous said... 5:51 pm  

one version of trillian wont allow you to add server side contacts in icq. it only works in the premium version. wonder it fixed already or not.