You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann


Nooo....not those drinkable ones (and NO...not THOSE juices for you perverted ones...)...I was referring to the CREATIVE juices (oooohhhhh!)

Impromptu chat with two girls came out with impromptu responses and comments that not only entertained them but it also shocked me by how much rubbish is going on in my brains...

Chat 1 (response to the girl's custom message of "Argghhh! The PC restarted by Itself!")
ME: actually it might be gnomes in your machine that accidentally tripped on the power box wires
ME: while running around carrying instructions from the keyboard and mouse to the CPU (known as the BrainGnome™)
Girl1: wow...
Girl1: that's really an interesting observationt ehre..
Girl1: i never knew about that..
Girl1: or brain gnomes
Girl1: /:)
ME: that's something that IT guys keep it to themselves to hide the fact that magical creatures and beings really do exists :D
ME: that's why you see most nerd D&D guys are into computers as well :P
Girl1: ooohhh
Girl1: true true..
Girl1: now where can I get a fact sheet on that??
ME: not too sure but don't open your casing! you might scare the gnomes....their eyes are very sensitive to light you know...that's why your comp doesn't work that well when you have opened the casing....also the reason why any problems won't surface for you to see when you open the casing to check for problems :P
ME: such as when it fails at your house and when you bring it to the repair man, it runs ok and he asks quizzically "Where's the problem?"
ME: in reality the guy is laughing his head of with the gnomes =))
Girl1: wow...
Girl1: i never knew all this
Girl1: hahahhha..
Girl1: it's all a conspiracy!
Girl1: the repair man will check and charge an unreasoable amount in fees for checking
Girl1: and will buy the gnomes drinks at the bar later for the hefty sum he colected from coming over ot check
ME: I'm so saving this conversation :P

Chat 2 (very good friend of mine)
Girl2: difficult to concerntrate at work today ... so kacau u .. hope u dun mind ... flu here
ME: i face that everyday 8-}
ME: nvm i'm here to help :D
ME: go see a doctor after this dear
Girl2: i may ... hope the doctor can giv me MC 2molo >:)
ME: hahahahah
ME: u wink wink at the doctor, show a bit flesh then can lor :P:P
Girl2: i better curi the MC better
ME: lol
ME: small sacrifice onni :P
ME: next time u need favour from me you can try that everytime :))
ME: the amout of flesh shown is proportional to the speed of the favour gets done =)
Girl2: =))
Girl2: ok .. i wil remember tat

Now you might be wondering what in the world am I doing in office really....well...stop wondering!