You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann


No, I'm not talking about armageddon here...more like today is my last day in this office here in MMU, Cyberjaya.

I'm feeling mixed emotions. Both sad and happy. Sad because I am leaving a company which I helped to build since its conception. Sad because I am leaving a bunch of great people that I had worked with for the last year or so. Sad because I did not get to execute the plan that I have for myself in this company. On the other hand, I'm happy because I get to have a change of environment. I'm happy because I'm leaving some people behind that I want nothing to do with. I'm happy because I'll still be in the industry and there will still be time for me to do whatever that I planned to do :)

Goodbye TA!


Anonymous said... 10:23 pm  

Do not stick around too long in local 'game industry'.

You will always be earning less than other people your age in non-game IT industry and there will be one day when it will just strike you, how much you've been able to save and how limited your career options will be should you realize you need more money for marriage, kid, house, wife, and tons of other loans.

Don't forget the car as well.

If you want to stick in the 'local' game industry which probably doesn't really exist, be prepared for hardships and live a single life.

If you want to have your own kids/family one day, bail out now, this industry is just going nowhere and it's just an excuse for people to colek money from the tax payers.

You will have to sacrifice a lot of things and people will exploit your 'passion' and pay you peanuts and dump you like rubbish to be replaced by younger fresher eager peers who thought of getting in just like you.

Malaysia is just not the place for such things.

Hmmm. Bman is so negative. You gotta believe, dude... you gotta BELIEVEEEEE!

Anonymous said... 1:42 pm  

believe is not enough, do you believe your future at the hands of your employer ?

At the hands of a short-sighted employer who can't wait to drop you like a diseased reject for cheaper, more 'passionate' employees.

Go tell your 'believes' to people who's been around for a while and seen how it all works.