You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann


Nooo....not those drinkable ones (and NO...not THOSE juices for you perverted ones...)...I was referring to the CREATIVE juices (oooohhhhh!)

Impromptu chat with two girls came out with impromptu responses and comments that not only entertained them but it also shocked me by how much rubbish is going on in my brains...

Chat 1 (response to the girl's custom message of "Argghhh! The PC restarted by Itself!")
ME: actually it might be gnomes in your machine that accidentally tripped on the power box wires
ME: while running around carrying instructions from the keyboard and mouse to the CPU (known as the BrainGnome™)
Girl1: wow...
Girl1: that's really an interesting observationt ehre..
Girl1: i never knew about that..
Girl1: or brain gnomes
Girl1: /:)
ME: that's something that IT guys keep it to themselves to hide the fact that magical creatures and beings really do exists :D
ME: that's why you see most nerd D&D guys are into computers as well :P
Girl1: ooohhh
Girl1: true true..
Girl1: now where can I get a fact sheet on that??
ME: not too sure but don't open your casing! you might scare the gnomes....their eyes are very sensitive to light you know...that's why your comp doesn't work that well when you have opened the casing....also the reason why any problems won't surface for you to see when you open the casing to check for problems :P
ME: such as when it fails at your house and when you bring it to the repair man, it runs ok and he asks quizzically "Where's the problem?"
ME: in reality the guy is laughing his head of with the gnomes =))
Girl1: wow...
Girl1: i never knew all this
Girl1: hahahhha..
Girl1: it's all a conspiracy!
Girl1: the repair man will check and charge an unreasoable amount in fees for checking
Girl1: and will buy the gnomes drinks at the bar later for the hefty sum he colected from coming over ot check
ME: I'm so saving this conversation :P

Chat 2 (very good friend of mine)
Girl2: difficult to concerntrate at work today ... so kacau u .. hope u dun mind ... flu here
ME: i face that everyday 8-}
ME: nvm i'm here to help :D
ME: go see a doctor after this dear
Girl2: i may ... hope the doctor can giv me MC 2molo >:)
ME: hahahahah
ME: u wink wink at the doctor, show a bit flesh then can lor :P:P
Girl2: i better curi the MC better
ME: lol
ME: small sacrifice onni :P
ME: next time u need favour from me you can try that everytime :))
ME: the amout of flesh shown is proportional to the speed of the favour gets done =)
Girl2: =))
Girl2: ok .. i wil remember tat

Now you might be wondering what in the world am I doing in office really....well...stop wondering!


A little genius joke
There's a dropout named Bobby and a super genius named Greg sitting on a bench waiting on a bus. The genius gets bored, leans over to the dropout and says, "Hey, I'll tell you what, I'll ask you a question and if you don't know the answer you have to give me five bucks. If you ask me a question and I don't know the answer I have to give you 50 bucks."

The dropout says, "Alright, man."

The genius asks the dropout, "What is the Pythagorian Theory?"

The dropout replies, "I don't know." and hands the genius five bucks.

"Okay," the dropout says, "What has three legs going up a hill and four legs going down?"

The genius thinks real hard and finally gives up. He hands the dropout 50 bucks then asks, "So, what is the answer?"

The dropout says, "I don't know." and hands the genius five bucks.

Come this weekend, I'll be shifting over to USJ with Szu King. A rather risky move as monthly living costs will definitely soar but I have my own reasons. Might be a decision that will decide whether I'll be a loser for another 20 years or for another 2-3 years....


Forgive me God for I have sinned,
Understand my plight, my suffering and sorrow
Cast me a rope for I see no morrow,
Kill my ambition, of greed and hate,
Make me holy, pure and great,
Yank my soul, give it a tug!
And under my feet, do pull the rug!
Shake some sense unto me!
Shine a light so I can see!

Forgive me God for I have sinned,
Ever your instrument, I want to be,
Ever your humble servant, I swore to thee,
Love me and show me the way,
Make my worries go away,
Your omni-presence guides my instincts,
Blessings from thee, controls my feelings,
Raged with anger and lust I had,
Eaten and consumed by jealousy I add,
Asks for help, I had come to thee
Save me from evil that I had come to be
Take away these unholy thoughts,
Show me the way, that you have taught.

- Confessions of a lustful sinner -=Female=- by JFreak


Love mp3s? Love iPod? Love a good joke? Take a look at this:

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Really funny ad....then again I don't even know what is model of the product they are supposed to be advertising....oh well @_@


Sent off Spencer with Joshua and May to KLIA that day...Had to wake up at 7:00 am on a Sunday -_- Somemore slept only a bit after yesterday's bout with Star Wars 3.

Josh drove the first round. Gila fella, going at 150kmh with a car of 4 ppl. Not that I mind but the car is in need of a good service and not really capable of running that fast. He is a good driver though so I didn't mention anything :P

Reached there bout 40 mins later and we adjourned to breakfast at McDonald's™. Had a hearty breakfast courtesy of Spencer (thank you Spencer!) and took some photos.

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This one was taken when I was sitting down in front of McDonald's™

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Another angle

Then we had to send our cute friend off...He'll be gone for bout 5-6 days but I think May will miss him a lot :P

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The loving couple

Also bought a pack of Famous Amos™ Cookies for my bro because I ate his chocolate bars that was sent to him from his gf in UK (bad me...). More than made up for it cause those cookies costs me RM 34.90 @_@

Ahhh...once more thing, the cartoon Josh wanted a picture taken so....

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Weng Yean's Wedding Dinner
Attended Weng Yean's wedding dinner today @ 7:30pm. Great food, nice company, old friends, happy occasion.

Food includes burnt piglet (mmMmMMmmmMm)! Rarely have one of those, it was a delight! (although I have to watch the oil and fat...)

Our TA ppl hath ditched us. Only Shum, Chin Min and I attended. Man, what are the rest doing? Weng Yean booked a whole table for us and only 3 of us turned up @_@ We had to disband...DISBAND I tell you....our table and joined the PGS group (Phoenix Games Studio) who had 5 ppl on their table. Ahhh least they are a good company.

Also met up with some old friends from MMU namely from the FCM faculty. Met Xu Jenn, his gf, Emily and a few more. It was great seeing them again...Vowed to look for them to chat as well...I think I've been making a lot of these promises and I think I better start honoring them :D

Didn't bring my camera there, shucks...Left it back at home because I serviced my car yesterday and didn't put it back in....oh well....Will try to get the group photo from Xu Jenn or John

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith
Then @ 11pm, we adjourned to watch Star Wars III at Summit (THX!!! woohoo!) Shum got the tickets a week earlier for us...props to him! Attendees: Shum, Szu King, Joshua, my youngest bro and me. Missing: Spencer (come back to us dude...!), Leon and many others. Oh well, at least the gang is pretty much there...just that everyone's kinda lazy and have a life of their own.

My views on Star Wars III is better then I and II but still a farcry from New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The effects of course were spectacular! Massive wars with very real looking backdrops and scenery. The transition of technology from Republic ships to things we see in the later episodes (Star Destroyers, TIE ships, AT-AT walkers, even x-wing!) is superbly done. I think I like that aspect the most.

The story however, was a bit not to my liking (of course, my liking is my own only...). I will keep it spoiler free so you will have to watch the movie to get what I mean.

Oh and the sound system was great. Our seats are practically vibrating during a close up scene of a star destroyer in the beginning. The mood was fantastic and nearing the climax (near the end of the show), Josh and Szu King were seen sitting up and concentrating on the screen (or is it just because they have sat too long and their butt hurts? Mine certainly did...Summit better upgrade their seats :P)

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May the Force be with you....


Had a blast on last Saturday (14th May 2005) playing bowling with my colleagues.

The bowling event was organised by TMNet for its customers (we ordered a broadband connection from them just a week before) apparently to strengthen customer relations and also to promote their latest logo.

3 games each with 4 of us, we barely made less than 100 points each game on average (total points: 1095). Our CEO might want to organise a fortnight bowling sessions for our company...hmmmm

Most of us were THROWING rather than BOWLING btw :P

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Today, 18th of May, 2005, my lil own blog was bornth...along with its conception, is an unending task to destroy my own privacy and intruding on others'.

Ok, so this really ain't early to join the bandwagon of bloggin but hey, we got to start somewhere...