I only want to make my life simple:
1) I have simple needs
2) I want simple things
3) I wish to have simple interpersonal relationships with my fellow human beings
4) I want to live in a simple world where people are...simple
I drive a simple car. I have a average simple job. Basically on my side I can fulfill 1 and 2....sadly 3 and 4 is unachieveable by me alone.
What makes it so interesting that people wants to live a unsimple life? Is it because of the many wants and needs? Is it globalisation? Is it because they are jealous of their neighbour? Green with envy?
You know...living in the country side, have a lil cabin, doing farm chores.....isn't really a bad idea after all.
Posted by
Odin Cards
So what is the problem then ? Go ahead and do what you like, no need to ask for anyone's opinion.
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