You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in. - John von Neumann


Alright, I confess. Everytime I see her, I get this really deep sensation in me (no, not THERE...). Behold! I found my One True Desire™!

Why do I term it the One True Desire™? Let's break it down into manageable parts:

One - meaning uno, the only, number right after zero (0)
True - not false, the truth, no doubt about it
Desire - subject of craving for something/someone

So there, I've got this one really really sacred/deep/undeniable/cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die desire. It's a someone!

She's this sweet sweet girl who had some links to major parts of my life! Example:

  • She was the same class as me in KINDERGARTEN...yes folks...the nursery school (didn't know this till very late)
  • Heard of her since High School (she was another bloke's girl that time....feck she still IS another bloke's girl)
  • We go to the same university (granted, I didn't get that much of a chance to talk to her)
  • She lives very near my place
  • She bumped into me in front of my house
  • I bumped into her in front of her house (swear to God I'm not a stalker! I was there for an evening stroll!)
  • I sent her flowers on one of her birthdays (to her office too....)
  • Bumped into each other in a wedding
Danggit, her picture pops up every now and then in my friends' blogs/pictures/etc. Can't get her out of my head! Object of fantasizing....ummmm.....SIZING and FANTASY and....oh well, you get the drill.

No, I believe it's not love. It's also not entire lust either. It's just a desire. But heck it's helluva desire!