Ok, this is dumb, I have to dig out 6 of my adnormal behaviours and habits and let everyone in cyberspace know. WTH? Am I gonna go through with this? Is this fair? O_o
"I have been tagged and to continue the honour of this game, I have to tag six people which can be found at the bottom of my list. The rules are as follows: Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 idiosyncrasies (abnormal behaviour, habits etc.) as well as clearly stating this rule. After you state your 6 weirdness you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their multiply id / blog names / nicknames at the bottom of your blog. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says "You’re tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means."
Tagged by kalamari
1. Fine. I surf porn. What? That's not abnormal? I surf free porn. What? That's not abnormal too? Even for the ladies? ...
2. Ummm, I like to hang out with the girls more than the guys? Seriously, the guy activities are BORING not to mention it reeks of "I am more of a man than you!".
3. I'm scared of the unknown. Deep down, I'm scared of advancement. I'm scared of new things which I don't know.
4. I love cats. To the point that I dream of cats. To the point that I think of cats to put me to sleep. Abnormal enough for you?!
5. I have this urge to strangle ppl when they just DON'T give me time to think. I need to think through my actions man. Gimme some time!
6. You karaoke? Do you do a sing-along TOGETHER? Well, I don't. If it's my song, let ME sing alone goddammit. You can keep your out-of-tuned and coarse voice under your pipe hole, tyvm!
Watever, tagged!
1. Michelle
2. Shum Lik
3. Jessica Neo
4. Spencer Neo
5. Watever...the list ends here :/
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Odin Cards
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