It might as well be another day for me. *Comes back from outing at 1am. *Looks at computer's clock and it says 14th February....Wait a minute, that date looks familiar. Oh gosh, it's Valentine's Day! (Who the heck is Valentine anyway?)
LINK: Apparently, it was used to be a Church Holiday! *Shudders
Ok, leaving the exotic practice of exchanging sexual Roman lovers aside (NOW you can click the link above :P), it's actually a replacement for a pagan festival for the God of Lupercus. How did it evolve into a money making business that sends adolescent males everywhere (that has a romanticsm of an armadillo) to buy chocolates and flowers for their lovers and secret admirees everywhere? (and not to mention many dissapointments from males AND females that was hoping on the receiving end of a Valentine's card/gift) Thrust the Americans to do it. Capitalism in all its glory. Basic human nature turns into profit.
I remembered I sold roses in my university in conjunction with Valentine's Day. We even do deliveries to the receiver's dormitory. The profit all for our club though so it wasn't so bad. The years go by and frankly, the writer of this here blog, haven't had a decent V-Day celebrated before. He did solo outings as well as the non-too-bad-idea-of-staying-at-home-watching-mushy-shows-and-drinking. Great, now you don't only have a sci-fi geek who is writing what you are reading right now, you also get a useless desperate romantic armadillo!
Right, so not to cut hope for all the romantic armadillos out there (and of course those dear dear couples out there who are reading this ere' getting nowhere of a blog), do celebrate this day of Roman sexual pervertions and beheaded saints in unabashed lovey dovey style!
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Odin Cards
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